Language Learning
I was born in Argentina and lived there for the first ten years of my life. As a result of that, my Spanish speaking ability is pretty good. My parents and family always encourage us to speak Spanish in the house to maintain it. While it was possible to simply take an exam and skip the requirement to take a language, I decided to take a Spanish course designed for speakers. My goal was to work on my grammar and writing skills. My professor, Dr. Victor Jordan really pushed me and I can truly say that I improved in both my writing and grammar in Spanish. My favorite thing was the cultural project we worked on throughout the course. In the project, I explained the conflict I had with having a dual identity. I am both Jewish and Hispanic so that was somewhat difficult for people to understand when I came to the US. At the end of the semester, we had a symposium to present our project in Spanish. I loved that experience, and the feedback I got from my peers and professors.